Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day 2009 - what can you do to help?

The "homepage" of Earth Day 2009 is, which inspires readers to take action and "create a billion acts of green." The site suggests ways to help, from the local (change out incandescent lightbulbs with compact fluorescents) to global (support clean water efforts all over the planet).

We at Directo are proud to be part of the Go Green movement. Eliminate paychecks and paystubs, and you'll make a significant impact. The nifty calculator at Pay It Green
figured out my paper and energy savings if I had only 10 bills and paid 10 employees:

By switching to electronic bills, statements, and payments, you can conserve the following resources in 1 year:
Paper 3.7 pounds of paper saved
Water 36 gallons of wastewater prevented from discharging into lakes, streams and rivers
Gasoline 4.8 gallons of gas saved by not mailing your bills, statements, and payments
Greenhouse Gases 148 pounds of greenhouse gases avoided
This amount of greenhouse gas is the equivalent of: 146 miles not driven in your car
2 trees planted (and grown for 10 years)
20 square feet of forest preserved from deforestation

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