Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bad weather and business continuity - put paycards in your toolchest

Storm clouds roil overhead and with one call your foreman has the emergency generator ready to go, just in case. Or snow starts to pile up to the window ledges and you don't have to wonder how your workers will get to the office, because your business continuity plan has a skeletal crew of workers in the building while the rest work from home.

These two scenarios show how business continuity plans are essential to your peace of mind. Even something as simple as making sure that all management has a list of home numbers for all staff can make a difference.

Another simple solution? A Directo payroll card program with MyStub electronic paystubs. You can pay your workers no matter where they are, and because Directo accounts are FDIC insured, with funds held in an FDIC member bank, you know their funds are safe.

Start your plan today! Call Jim McCarthy at 770.810.6505, or email him at jmccarthy@directo.net.

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