Thursday, February 3, 2011

Second storm impacts payroll delivery

Snow just about covers car windows in the Northeast, and planes are stuck on runways. If your payroll is frozen in place somewhere short of its destination, your alternative is a phone call away. With Direct paycards you can weatherproof your payroll delivery and at no cost to you. After the payroll file is sent to the bank electronically, Directo paycard accounts are funded on the designated pay date, and your workers receive their pay no matter where they are. Funds can be accessed from ATMs and the cards can be used at cash register's PIN keypads with swipe-and-go ease.

Call today. Start your paycard program before the next big storm hits.

Contact Adam Roche at 770-810-6530


Business Cash Advance said...

In this situation some small businesses also need to keep up with their production and services to supply the demand of the market. And if money is frozen at the bank, business cash advance is the solution. Transactions can also be done at home through phone or online. Easy steps to continue cash your business’ productivity.


If you run a small accounting business, and you also handle payroll accounting for those small businesses then you spend a big part of money on this. Outsourcing payroll is a cost effective solution, mostly if you outsource people located in countries that have economic status lower than yours.